Blue Tom
15 seeds Height: 1,8 m, weight: up to 600 grams.Flattened round shape, dark purple-r..
Blushing Gosha 0,1
0,1 gram (15-30 seeds)Height: 0,6 m, weight: up to 250 grams.Round, smooth, crimson red. ..
Blushing Gosha 1
0,1 gram (15-30 seeds)Height: 0,6 m, weight: up to 250 grams.Round, smooth, crimson red. ..
Bull's heart (elite)
0,1 gramsHeight: 1,0 meters, weight: up to 500 grams.Heart-shaped, sweet tomatoes. Good fo..
Bull's Heart striped
0,2 gram Height: 1,0 m, weight: up to 450 grams.Red with yellow stripes, heart-shaped. Ver..
15 seeds Mid-early hybrid tomato variety. Suitable for growing in a greenhouse. The ripening p..
Chartres Castle
15 seeds Height: 1,5 m, weight: up to 600 grams.Round ribbed, pink. Meaty, sweet, fr..
Chocolate Amazon
15 seeds Height: 1,2 m, weight: up to 300 grams.Round, dark burgundy-brown color. Ju..
Chocolate bunny
0,1 gram (15-30 seeds)Height: 1.5 meters, weight: up to 30 grams.Dark-red, shape of an elongated plu..
0,1 gramHeight: 1,3 m, weight: up to 1000 grams!Round and red. Very delicious and big..
15 seeds Height 1,2 m, weight up to 500 grams. Has a flattened round shape, bright red color. ..
The height of the stem is 1.3 m. Characteristics of the fruit: weight - 350 gr., Color - red, shap..
Gnome purple heart
15 seeds 15 seeds Tomato ‘Dwarf Purple Heart’Discover a real gem among tomatoes - the Dwa..
Golden casket
15 seeds Height: 1,5 m, weight: up to 400 grams.Heart-shaped, light orange. Juicy an..
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- Eggplant seeds
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- Preparations
- Root seeds +-
- Seeds of cabbage +-
- Seeds of cucumbers +-
- Seeds of pepper +-
Seeds of tomatoes (tomatoes)
- Bulgarian tomato varieties
- Dwarfs
- Amateur types of tomatoes
- Bicolour
- Catalog of tall tomato varieties with photos
- Cherry tomato seeds
- Early varieties of tomatoes
- Green Tomatoes
- Hybrids of tomatoes for open ground and greenhouses
- Middle-aged Tomatoes
- Novelties of seeds of tomatoes
- Seeds of black tomatoes
- Seeds of yellow tomatoes
- Stamp varieties of tomatoes for open ground
- Tomatoes of long fruiting
- Ultrasound Tomatoes
- Varieties of pink tomatoes
- Varieties of red tomatoes
- Weight Packages +-