Black delicacy F1

Black delicacy F1


(In Stock)


Black Crimean


Black delicatessen F1

Black delicacy F1

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Brand: Seeds from the Lazarev
Product Code: Черный деликатес F1 (10 сем)
Availability: In Stock

Packing - 10 seeds

Early hybrid: from germination to fruiting 90-95 days. The plant is indeterminate, tall. The leaf is ordinary, medium, medium-dissected, dark green. The first inflorescence is laid above the 8-9th leaf, the subsequent ones - every 3 leaves. The distance between inflorescences is 22-25 cm. The inflorescence is simple, compact with 5-6 fruits. The hybrid is distinguished by high set, even, beautiful, rounded fruits weighing 140-150g, in the technical stage of ripeness with a dark green spot, and when ripe - dark brown, without a spot. The fruits are 3-4 chambered, smooth, resistant to cracking, very dense, with a thick pericarp and interchamber septa, very tasty, characterized by a harmonious chemical composition: dry matter - 6.5-7.0%, sugar - 3.5- 3.8%, ascorbic acid – 25-30 mg/100g weight. The fruits are suitable for consumption in fresh and processed form. Productivity in a film greenhouse is 16-18 kg/sq.m. It is characterized by complex resistance to diseases: tomato mosaic virus, bronzing, fusarium and verticillium wilt, blossom end rot, bacteriosis and cladosporiosis. Recommended for film greenhouses and open ground on a trellis. The plant density is no more than 4 plants per square meter, and the formation is carried out on only one stem.

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