Devil Jersey

Devil Jersey


(In Stock)


Demidov (elite) 1g


Don Juan

Devil Jersey

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Brand: Seeds from the Lazarev
Product Code: Томат Дьявол Джерси
Availability: In Stock

"Devil Jersey" is a variety of tomatoes, the fruits of which are interesting and unusual pepsevidnoy form. It should be noted right away that not all tomatoes of pepper form are suitable for conservation, but this is an exception and is perfectly suitable for both conservation and fresh consumption and salting. The variety is indeterminate. You can grow, as in the open ground, and in the greenhouse.

The yield of "Devil Jersey" is medium. The fruits are rather large, weighing about 300 g. The color is red. The taste is sweet enough. Fruits lie well. The positive thing is that they do not crack. Resistant to various, characteristic for these plants, diseases. The bush grows strong enough and tall. Not a lot of leaves, but the positive quality is their openwork. Growing tomatoes - practically without seeds. They will surprise you with an interesting shape and wonderful taste.

Our online store offers to make the right choice and buy these seeds from us, without leaving home, and saving your time. You will be satisfied with your choice and will please your loved ones with fine dishes with delicious tomatoes.

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