


(In Stock)


Azores Red




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Brand: Seeds from the Lazarev
Product Code: Томат Азоюшка
Availability: In Stock

Introducing one of the most delectable and sun-kissed tomatoes in our collection! This early-maturing, indeterminate beefsteak variety is a true garden treasure. From seed to the onset of fruiting, it only takes 100-105 days. The first inflorescence is set above the seventh leaf, with subsequent ones appearing every two leaves. Clusters are semi-complex, boasting 3-5 flat-round fruits of a radiant, sunny yellow hue. Each tomato weighs in at 150-300 grams. The flesh is exceptionally juicy and meaty, offering a pleasant, well-balanced flavor. These tomatoes are perfect for fresh consumption, as well as for creating vibrant juices and sauces. An excellent choice for children's and dietary meals, this variety is resistant to the main diseases affecting tomatoes, thrives under adverse weather conditions, and responds well to fertilization. Recommended planting density is 3-4 plants per square meter. For optimal yield, it's advised to grow them in one or two stems. Expect a bountiful harvest of 15.0-17.0 kg per square meter in open ground and 18.0-20.0 kg per square meter in protected ground.

1 packet - 15 seeds.

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