


(In Stock)


Lilac lake


Limpopo F1


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Brand: Seeds from the Lazarev
Product Code: Томат Лимончелло
Availability: In Stock

A unique sort of tomato "Limoncello" belongs to the number of cherry tomatoes. This is an early variety, the interval from shoots to the first ripening of fruits - from 85 to 100 days.

The shrub of Limoncello stretches to a length of one and a half meters. Fruits are dense, having an elongated form of lemon color, weighing 20 grams. It has a balanced, sour-sweet taste.

Tomato "Limoncello" is extremely viable, can be stored for a long time, and also perfectly suited for drying. Sun-dried tomatoes are now at the peak of popularity, they are decorated with all sorts of useful and fashionable culinary specialties.

The fruits of this variety of cherry tomatoes appear more and more admirers, due to the fact that they are unpretentious, exquisite to taste, early start to bear fruit, and for a long time.

Buying tomatoes in the market or in the supermarket, consumers can not always be sure of their quality: it's difficult to check environmental standards, if this is not a tomato that you have grown with your own hands. It must be said that tomato "Limoncello" is a unique vegetable that can be grown without any special efforts environmentally friendly even on your balcony.

Growing our tomato seeds "Limoncello" is very interesting, useful and profitable.

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